Alleged 'impossibilities' are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched.
- Charles R. Swindoll
#motivation #inspiration #OPT #optstem #eadcard #internationalstudents #H1B #success #dream #oppotunity #opportunities #comfortzone #doit #justdoit #possible #impossible #capacity #domore
The best investors in this market keep cool heads. Now, stay the cool-headed investor in your job hunt and future results! My in-laws in Wuhan show me daily how they stay cool in the time of COVID-19 and make it work.
To succeed in your job search, the key is to not stop. Here are my mentee’s recent outreach results. She’s going for large multilateral development roles.
Be smart, but don't be frozen in your tracks by news. I was planning to meet with people for lunch this week, I’m electing to do those meetings over the phone.
Stick with your job search goals.
With the largest one-day stock market drop in history, with the malfunctioning of virus testing systems, my students are still doing the following:
—booking dozens of calls with their target firms
—getting employee referrals
—holding video interviews if not on-site
—going for offers even if there is the prospect of a deferred start.
What about you? Are you ready to re-commit to your career...
For international students without prior US work experience: Do I want you to focus on an offer at [YOUR DREAM FIRM]? YES AND NO. I do want the relevant dream companies relevant to your industry niche on your target list.
But I don’t want that to get you stuck!
I want you to get to “proof of concept” first.
Proof of Concept means getting an offer from a (solid) firm first.
Can you get an offer? One? Start there.
I have seen a singular focus on just one or two or three “dream” firms SINK a job hunt. It can be an obstacle to our job search effort.
There are vast opportunities that lie among many companies. Offers there lead to getting hired laterally into your “dream” firm.
Can we still have dream firms on a list and get an offer? Sure! But not at a cost.
Not at a cost to applying, to generating coffee chats, to attending interviews, to the offer. When I help through all of this, we stay focused on Proof of Concept.
Don’t be afraid to...
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. - Brian Tracy
#motivation #inspiration #OPT #optstem #eadcard #internationalstudents #H1B #success #dream #move #comfortzone #will #new #grow #willingness #try #doit #justdoit
Heard of social media right? It’s media that is social. Have you heard about social interviewing?
It’s interviewing that is social.
Some people call it a coffee chat. It’s also how to generate interviews “on demand”.
80% of jobs are found via networking, The balance requires being really good at face-to-face interaction. People hire people, not resumes.
Yet, for as many people telling me they had a great coffee chat, people say “network doesn’t work“.
At any age, we all have sthg we haven’t done before. Even for an experienced American executive, coffee chats can be “learning how to ride a bicycle“.
The best way I’ve found to help people produce great results is to guide them on exactly what to do and say in the “before during and after”. That just seems the best way to accelerate somebody “learning how to ride the bicycle“.
Maybe you feel your “not there yet “with your job search....
Grateful for exposure to Chinese heritage.
#China reporting on the US hashtag#coronavirus situation better than the US itself.
Q: Is it okay if I call "BS" on MS Programs offering less recruiting support and access to firms vs. undergrad and MBA candidates?
A: Especially in the case of international students: “oh yeah, sure you can come here and pay full tuition. Oh, no, you can’t have the same access to the recruiting services that we offer to other students“
My mentee’s tie skills when we first met. Now he works at McKinsey.
#careeraccelerator #jstuartbradley #stuartsystem #ties #transformation
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
#motivation #inspiration #OPT #optstem #eadcard #internationalstudents #H1B #success #dream #react #life #tomorrow #today #preparation #best
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