[Author’s photograph of a job fair in Shanghai.]
Let’s talk about job fair strategy and converting job fairs to interviews. *A lot* of this content is what any job seeker should try to shoot for domestic and international students alike.
So let’s jump into what to do and you may find that if you do these things you’ll be getting interviews through the job fair right away.
So in terms of job fair philosophy, there are five items.
The first thing is to treat the recruiter as a person. Make the recruiter feel like you're talking to THEM - not treating them just as a “stepping stone” to a job.
Second, recruiters hire to solve their problem, not your problem. Companies want to grow and be more profitable.
Their problem or challenge is the thing “in the middle” between here and there, and...
#China reporting on the US hashtag#coronavirus situation better than the US itself.
Source: https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0
When people agree to network with you, they're all often offering to extend a helping hand, right? “Here's a young talent here, a developing talent. They want to meet with me and they want to learn. I want to help that. I want to facilitate that learning.” And it, it often helps when you're networking - and this doesn't matter if you're in China or in the US: when you're networking it's about the other person, right? It's about learning about the other person at the same time because that person wants to help you. We want to make it easy for that person to help and often the best way to do that is to have a specific ask or a specific request or to have a goal that you can share.
So the, there is one kind of networking which is , “hey, it's great to meet with you. It's, I want to know about the industry” (basic research) and then it's another level to say, ”hey, this is my, this is my five year goal or this is my two year...
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