[Long interview] How to Network in China AND still land an internship in the US


When people agree to network with you, they're all often offering to extend a helping hand, right? “Here's a young talent here, a developing talent. They want to meet with me and they want to learn. I want to help that. I want to facilitate that learning.” And it, it often helps when you're networking -  and this doesn't matter if you're in China or in the US:  when you're networking it's about the other person, right? It's about learning about the other person at the same time because that person wants to help you. We want to make it easy for that person to help and often the best way to do that is to have a specific ask or a specific request or to have a goal that you can share.

So the, there is one kind of networking which is , “hey, it's great to meet with you. It's, I want to know about the industry” (basic research) and then it's another level to say, ”hey, this is my, this is my five year goal or this is my two year goal or this is my, my goal for my time while I'm a college student including getting an internship this summer” and say “autonomous vehicles in that space”. Right. And then working backwards to what your “ask” of these people is. Because these other people also want to see that you are someone who is, (if it's the autonomous vehicle industry) they want to see that you share their interests and that maybe one day by meeting you now, you know, Larry is going to, you know, be a contact for me in the future in this space. Thinking more about the purpose of your networking would be helpful to you.

It's just helpful for the other person to know what your goals are and (then) you become more valuable as a networking partner with somebody. If you come and say, “Hey, you know, I'm really dedicated in the autonomous vehicle space. I'm looking to volunteer (or work) in that space this summer because I want to take this next step” -  that is more powerful, I would say, than “ I'm, I'm currently a student. I'm really curious about the space and want to learn more about it and yeah, I'm going to leave in two months”.

So, so suddenly, you know, all your conversations with people become about not just learning, but maybe there's a next step here, which is, “hey, why don't you come over and work for the summer”. So in your situation, okay, so here's what you want to do for networking: First of all, conferences are important. So, conferences are important and I'm going to throw that out (share that). Individuals are important. I want to throw that out (share that) too. Now there may be issues with your messaging, how you message what you say, how you say it, how you know your purpose in meeting with them. People want to, people want to network with people, who are, who feel, you know, when, if you make them feel comfortable. So what is the way  over LinkedIn, over email to make them feel comfortable and want to meet you.

And then even if you do everything you can and do the best job, it's still a numbers game. You know, a percentage of people will connect with you. And then the next step from that conversation is to meet. Because unless you meet with somebody, this virtual connection on the internet doesn't really (matter). You're still not a “person” to this group or to this person. So it's hard to create a relationship.

So you want to, the goal of the LinkedIn outreach is always to meet with people face to face, have a coffee chat. And then back to this concept of “having the end goal in mind”. What is your “ask” of that person? Why are you asking these questions? And you might meet someone who is good-hearted and just wants to help you. And, these very same people might be in a position to also offer you a summer internship, which could be very interesting, or a volunteer opportunity.

And then events: When we chatted in the Subtle Asian Networking group. Um, there, there are events that cost money and events that don't cost much money. So conferences, I'm a big thumbs up on conferences. I think it's an investment and I think that'll, it'll just quickly get you to where you want to go. And so part of your networking challenge isn't just where these people are, but it's kind of what is your thinking (going) back to your own goal and what your own purpose for networking is, is also part of the equation here.


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