The best investors in this market keep cool heads. Now, stay the cool-headed investor in your job hunt and future results! My in-laws in Wuhan show me daily how they stay cool in the time of COVID-19 and make it work.
To succeed in your job search, the key is to not stop. Here are my mentee’s recent outreach results. She’s going for large multilateral development roles.
Be smart, but don't be frozen in your tracks by news. I was planning to meet with people for lunch this week, I’m electing to do those meetings over the phone.
Stick with your job search goals.
With the largest one-day stock market drop in history, with the malfunctioning of virus testing systems, my students are still doing the following:
—booking dozens of calls with their target firms
—getting employee referrals
—holding video interviews if not on-site
—going for offers even if there is the prospect of a deferred start.
What about you? Are you ready to re-commit to your career...
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