Want Better Acceptance Rate

Job hunting and getting 137 / 160 LinkedIn requests accepted. 85% acceptance rate. Good? Real-time view of my student results using the Stuart System™ as shared in our international student job hunt community. LinkedIn is just one small part.

I like focusing on coaching efforts on international students:

  1. because I was one myself and
  2. because of the lack of time, culture gaps and desire for outstanding results (that brought them to the US, to begin with) call for a system. Mine is the Stuart System™.

I have never met an un-hireable international student. There are only un-hireable ways of thinking and doing.

Stuart System™ is about teaching somebody to fish, not just giving them a fish (授人以鱼不如授人以渔). Learn how to kick butt now. It is a skill you then have for life.

I always leave room for my students to impress me.

85% connection right impresses me. You’re considered good if you get above a 40% rate. But we want to be better than good.

This is almost as nice...

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Inspirational Quote: Endure Darkness

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino

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Job Hunt: Start Where You Are

As an international talent, no matter where you are in your job hunt, that is where you start. Wherever you are: that’s it. This is the place. It’s now. It’s here.

Han Solo has a quote in Star Wars or maybe it’s the Empire strikes back: “no matter where you go, there you are”. I forget where he said that. But it’s an amazing insight.

A lot of us look at the job search and say: “quite difficult.” We are tempted to wait until conditions are different / better to begin the hunt.

If we want to think of a job search as difficult, then it will be difficult.

If we want to think about it as a growth opportunity, then it will be a growth opportunity.

We might imagine the type of life we have on the job. In that life, we talk to colleagues, we talk to our hiring manager/boss. It’s the future that we want.

And we know the offer opens the door to that day-to-day work life.

The job search is actually probably the best job training out there to...

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Success From Our Career Accelerator Family

Happy to hear this success from our Career Accelerator family. Questions don’t concern only the steps to get an offer. Lots of questions arise once an offer is extended. At the office today if you want to be thoughtful and seal the deal.

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Coronavirus: Not Leaving Home

In Wuhan and other Chinese cities, not leaving the home is one of the officially recommended and in some cases required ways to stay healthy.

Here are all the Chinese apps one can use in Wuhan to purchase food via mobile for home delivery and some comments on each service.


  • 淘宝—天猫超市—鲜美菜场,需要输入自己的地址查看,是否有配送超市,名额有限,晚上12点开始抢。
  • 美菜APP ,300元起送,早上8点开抢,这个里面菜很全,平时是用来给商户批发的。
  • 盒马APP ,在配送区域内的可以配送,每天晚上十点,抢完了还会放,需要多刷,一般一天有1-2波。
  • 多点APP也可以买菜,需要提前几天,因为配送较慢。
  • 淘宝—首页淘鲜达 分区域购买,可选择收货地址,自行查看,也需要蹲守配送名额。
  • 饿了么里面的买菜,需要下载饿了么app,点买菜再搜买菜,可以看到万吨菜,需要自提
  • 每日优鲜,吉及鲜也都开始可以买菜了
  • 饿了么,京东到家的中百超市,每天开门时间非常短,要抢[Facepalm]最好把菜提前放到购物车,没事去刷下,看到开门了马上付款,朋友说几分钟就关门了

#wuhan #coronavirus #武汉 #送货上门

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Take a Step, Move Forward

Once upon a time… In Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio acts in a scene where he jumps down over a fence with a shotgun.......

Do you think he had any doubt in his mind in this moment that he would land on two feet and reach his goal?

What is the fence you’re trying to jump right now? I get off the phone with very smart international students who are jumping their own “fences” and they’re not sure they’re gonna land.

To land a great job, you need to realize that wherever you are, now is the time to start, that there is the potential of landing this amazing job. To do anything else is what I call 死在起点.

Whatever your past experience or level of English for technical skill, with the right method you can convince an American company to hire you.

Every hiring manager also went through what you did: starting with little or no experience.

All it takes is the right method to make that happen. You can even start this process without any confidence. Confidence is...

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When You "Get" Networking

When you "get" networking, it means you can generate interviews on-demand. Drop me a "D" if you'd like to learn more.

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Career Accelerator Member: Receiving Multiple Offers

On 13 Dec this client joined Career Accelerator™. At first, they were skeptical, but after seeing the results we were getting asked to join the program.

The goal was to get a great #usoffer. They followed the process, participated in our supportive community, did the work. They saw how they could set a goal and reach it using a predictable process.

Today is 31 January and they are a successful member of our program, receiving multiple full-time offers.

It is my goal for you to land a great job in 6 weeks. Then, stick around if you want to generate additional fall or winter offers. Go you.

#usa #joboffer #futurecpa #career #goals #summer2020 #careeraccelerator

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Why I Created the #CareerAccelerator™

I created Project RISE (Regionally, International Students Employed) because global talent flocks to our cities and then leaves. Only when this talent can find a home do we all win.

To solve that problem, I created Career Accelerator™ (就职加速器). Students investing in US education succeed in getting a great US internship or full-time job within weeks via this program when they follow the process.

25, 28, 30, 42, 45: my students have taken as few as this # of days to get internships and offers from start to offer. JPM, F500, MBB + more.

What’s one aspect of your hunt where some advice might be useful?

When students seek an answer to THAT question, I see students even w/o experience start to generate great offers.

Who am I: bi-lingual 中英Mentor helping to get interviews and offers here in the US, building on years of experience at elite institutions.

This time and this place is your best shot to globalize your resume and get great experience.

That’s why I created the ...

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Snowing Job Offers

What's the weather like over there? It's snowing job offers over here.


With the offer** now comes the negotiation. Internships and entry-level offers can be typically standard/boilerplate. There are areas to negotiate and just having someone to be with you during that process can be very helpful. For experienced people / having some work experience, there is will wiggle room for negotiating a number of things. There is also common sense. Lots of information on the Internet about the dos and don’ts of salary negotiation.

*not the remote kind that you pay for - which is a dangerous thing

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