Following the #Stuartsystem members of #CareerAccelerator continue to get interviews and offers!
Situation: graduate student in Analytics, got interview and eventual offer via applying on School’s Handshake; in the process, former employer not helpful in verifying employment and that caused anxiety for the student.
Work we did: resume, cover letter, LinkedIn mastery, networking, interview prep, communications with the companies before / during / after interviews. Thank you emails and thank you notes. Navigating verification challenges.
Tools used: flexible Career Accelerator online video trainings, 24/7 online community forum, weekly live zoom workshops.
#jstuartbradley #internationalstudents #resume #jobsearch #careercoach #students #interviewing #employment #school #interviews #education
Job hunting and getting 137 / 160 LinkedIn requests accepted. 85% acceptance rate. Good? View of student results using the Stuart System™ as shared in our international student job hunt community. LinkedIn is just one small part.
I have never met an on hireable international student. There are only on hireable ways of thinking and doing.
The Stuart System™ is about teaching somebody to fish, not just giving them a fish (授人以鱼不如授人以渔). Learn how to kick butt now. It is a skill you then have for life.
And I always leave room for my students to impress me.
85% connection right impresses me. You’re considered good if you get above a 40% rate. But we want to be better than good.
This is almost as nice to see as my client who got her Fortune 500 offer and 5-figure monthly salary without even an in person interview. Yeah. I was surprised too.
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