Can You Turn A Rejection Into A Job Offer?

Can you turn a rejection into a job offer? 


How? By staying in touch. 

How do you stay in touch? It can be as simple as an update on your job hunt progress to the hiring manager who rejected you. 

The main place to begin this work is not in how to craft an update note, however. 

The main place to start is not taking any rejection as a rejection of YOU. 

People often view rejections as the end of a transaction with a company. A rejection of the whole person. This is the same thing as saying “your ego got in the way and screwed things up.”

An interview gives you the chance to get in front of someone and create a connection.

If you completely cut ties with those people, you lose all of the progress you made!

Instead, add those people to your network. Send them regular updates. 

Working to stay in touch, keeping them in your network: these actions lead to future opportunities.

Have questions about networking techniques?

Message me :)...

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A Job Offer Brings You Closer To Your Family

The freedom to travel, visit with friends and family - this is one immediate joy of a new job offer.

The skill to secure offers “on-demand” - that’s one of the great skills to master.

Where we get stuck is at this step: demanding academics solve the job hunt.

People hire people, not resumes or GPAs, or school pedigrees.

It’s unfair to ourselves and the schools to expect GPA to lead to offers.

Are you interested in saving weeks, months - even years - in the job hunt?

What if you could aim higher and achieve more than you thought possible?

DM me and I can show you how it works. No cost to do that.

I’ll be glad to understand your situation and share some advice.

#Hiring #JobOffer #JobAlert #CareerCoach #CareerAdvice

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What If I Had To Start My Job Hunt Completely Over


What if you had to start the job hunt completely over?

Identify the companies you want to work for.

First, ignore if they have open positions.

Create a target company list. Identify the decision-makers.

Create networking opportunities within those companies.

In my new NETWORKING COURSE, we look at the action steps to create great networking opportunities.

No one can hire you unless they know you.

Check it out here

Remember, you are just one meeting away!

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Sponsorship is just a policy

Work Visa Sponsorship for international students is a policy and is flexible.

There are no “sponsor-friendly” firms, just firms.

It’s the people that grant the offers and decide policy.

That applies to international students and domestic students.

If you’ve presented yourself as the best fit, the sponsorship policy will be flexible in favor of hiring you.

Ashish won his H1B lottery not by getting the offer by luck, but by making connections, talking to people to start the process.

FAR from perfect = Still getting hired.

Get to where you want to go using my FREE Job Offer Secrets Library:

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For college students looking to get hired

Here’s the main thing: Don’t force firms to connect the dots between your GPA and how you can help them.

Firms will hire you when they see you ALSO want results that THEY want. It’s really just that simple.

I wouldn’t even call this a shortcut. It’s bigger. How else can I say it? It’s arbitrage - free money! Result without risk.

Shift out of the GPA focus and start caring about what your dream firms care about.

I’m skipping over some steps here: networking, interviews, cover letters, resumes. But this is the ONE thing that everyone seems to be missing, and may be the only thing you’re missing.

Are you looking to implement more “free money” / no risk secrets? Check out the Job Offer Secrets Library. You are literally just one secret away!

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What To Do If You Still Donā€™t Have an Internship or Job Secured

On finding a job FAST and the many misconceptions about how soon one can find a job…

Some people think that it requires months.

Some consider that “since KPMG has closed recruiting”, then all bets are off and it’s hopeless.

Most people just have such strong “energy” tied up in doing other things and don’t start. Strong study habits tell you to just “plan to take more classes”.

And we don’t know how CLOSE you are to getting a job. Usually, you are just one meeting away!

Even worse, many spend 100s of thousands $$$$ over another 2-7 years to attend a Master’s or PhD just to push the job hunt forward in time -  not because they want to do original research or go deeper into a topic.

Others get bad information! That includes being told by career counselors that you can't do what they want to do. This actually happens!

I’ve prepared a definitive guide on how to get offers fast and posted it on my blog.


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