What if you only had “30 days” to get a job? Then your career center said this:
We don’t see your experience as relevant.
We don’t see your resume as “good enough”
Crushing, right?
What do we say about this kind of counseling?
Surprisingly, it comes from good intentions - wants the focus to be on doing well in school.
And it’s trying to be honest and “reasonable”: at this frozen moment, OK, the student doesn’t have experience.
At this frozen moment, the student doesn’t have a good enough resume. Fine.
But can this change?
Is the student doomed?
What if she took a step forward?
How might this career counselor handle a situation in THEIR life where things are new, untested, where she wasn’t “ready”?
Maybe it’s a new S.O. or a dream.
Would they offer that same self-talk? Can’t do?
What if from “I can’t” we shift to “I think I can”?
A rush of feelings, many...
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