What if you only had “30 days” to get a job? Then your career center said this:
We don’t see your experience as relevant.
We don’t see your resume as “good enough”
Crushing, right?
What do we say about this kind of counseling?
Surprisingly, it comes from good intentions - wants the focus to be on doing well in school.
And it’s trying to be honest and “reasonable”: at this frozen moment, OK, the student doesn’t have experience.
At this frozen moment, the student doesn’t have a good enough resume. Fine.
But can this change?
Is the student doomed?
What if she took a step forward?
How might this career counselor handle a situation in THEIR life where things are new, untested, where she wasn’t “ready”?
Maybe it’s a new S.O. or a dream.
Would they offer that same self-talk? Can’t do?
What if from “I can’t” we shift to “I think I can”?
A rush of feelings, many unwanted, will come from “maybe I can”.
Courage is the absence of fear.
Said NO ONE.
Thinking we can, taking steps to say and do.
This is great personal branding.
Ultimately we all hired NOT because of the resume.
“No experience” is where we all start.
Not where we end.
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