There are TWO KINDS of job referrals. Which one is best?

referrals Apr 22, 2019

Hey, we're getting "off the cuff"  with me, Stuart Bradley. Do you know that there is a secret language spoken by hiring and HR professionals about referrals?

Yeah, we're going to talk about referrals and we're going to talk about the things that are unspoken about referrals. And if.... and if you're not hearing it and you're going to and you're in the dark, you're going to be looking for a long time. Let us change that.

There are two kinds of referrals and this is something that no one's ever going to tell you, but I will. There are two kinds of referrals. The first one is a referral from a senior director or "senior" person in an organization. The second referral comes from a "junior" person. So somebody who's below director level. So we think about what senior and one junior. Let's take a look at that for a sec.

All right. We got in the typical organization: analysts, associates, specialists... then we go onto say directors or vice or vice presidents, then two senior vice presidents, maybe managing directors, CEOs or "C-Suite". Alright. Really breaking that down for a second. So if you're getting referrals from people below the VP or director level, you know, THOSE referrals are graded totally differently than a senior executive giving you a referral. So director, VP or above, do you know why?

It's because human resources professionals are really busy and their career and their job is, uh, I wouldn't say that it's "at stake" or "at risk" if they ignore a senior executives referral, but if they pass on that and don't act on that and at least guarantee you an interview, you're going to, they're going to hear about it. It's going to be kind of like a bummer for them because it senior executive felt they didn't get heard in the organization.

And you know what the other kind of referral is, it's the kind that if it doesn't get heard, no big deal. So I'm talking about people who are giving you referrals who are associates or they are analysts - folks generally with limited work experience.

So I know guys, I know that it's easier to network with people who are closer to age thing with to you and uh, who are easier to get ahold of. Right? Because more senior people typically busier, typically less available for coffee chats or getting to know you. But I'm telling you, the way I teach coaching, the way I teach networking, it's exclusively to focus on the senior people. And if you are somebody who believes you don't have it in you or the ability to reach out to senior people and have coffee chats, well let me tell you, you can become that person.

It's just by making a decision. It's just by saying I'm going be me, I'm going to reach out to people and be me because everyone else is already taken. I can only be me and I'm going to own "me" and my career goals. And when you get into that spirit, you are able to unlock this elite tier, this rarefied space, this space of referrals that actually get job offers in your inbox.

So guys wrapping this up: two kinds of referrals, the kinds that matter and the kinds of generally don't, I'm not saying that if you get a junior referral that your application is going nowhere, but let me tell you, if you're going "top down", if you're reaching out and being and generating conversations with senior people, those referrals are going to fly you right into the interview room, over and out with off the cuff career coaching. Have a great evening and please, or great day. Whenever you're watching this, please share like, and comment below two kinds of referrals. Agree or disagree? 


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