Interviews in 12-24 hrs doing this? YES

Uncategorized Oct 07, 2022

You can start getting interviews in the next 12-24 hours. I'll explain how. For more detailed explanations for your case, join me this Saturday live for the Workshop to Get Interviews NOW.

Get interviews almost instantly

Get interviews just by reading this newsletter? Yes. By taking the action I describe, expect interviews to come in within 12 - 24 hours of taking the action.

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There are 2 things needed to get interviews instantly

First, we need to:

  • redefine what an interview actually is (you’ve been overthinking it). 

Then we need to:

  • Take action. Actually send the messages I describe in my training here.

Ready? let's go!

Interviews - you’ve been overthinking them. 

It can it be easier. How much easier? A lot easier. 

At its most basic, an interview is any 1x1 conversation leading to an introduction to another person. Where can these conversations be found?

Everywhere. You just need to prepare a few lists of people and reach out to them.

Sounds simple? It is.

I also know people who have spent 4+ hours trying to get up the confidence to do this next step. That is not efficient!

By the way, here's the deal: no one is reading online apps.

Instead of giving up, use the messaging we describe here to get interviews: I'm going to walk you through the HOW. Expect to get results within 12-24 hours from time of taking the action described.

This form of messaging is going to apply to:

  • friends
  • companies to which you have applied
  • people you just met
  • total strangers (bosses and colleagues you'd like to work for and with some day)

Now follow this carefully

Make 4 lists, with 3 items in each list:

  1. 3 friends now working somewhere
  2. 3 HR professionals at a firm to which you applied.
  3. 3 people you have met at a job fair or at a networking event - it’s time to reach out to them. 
  4. 3 future bosses you would like to work for, currently strangers, you find on LinkedIn

Next, send these messages to each group

Send this to your 3 friends (via #wechat, #linkedin or #email)

Dear name, hope you're well - it looks like you are doing cool thins at {firm} / it looks like you were having fun in {field, whatever that is - investment banking, analytics}. 
I'd like to talk to you more about that. 
Do you have any time this week or next? 


Next, Send this to the HR teams at firms where you already applied - Linkedin

Dear {firstname}, It is a privilege to follow up here regarding my interest in [title] role at {firm} [code name or title]. I have applied and would like to discuss next steps in your process. Connect here?  Best regards, [your first name]

If they connect, then great! You can ask about scheduling an interview. To do that, you can send this response over LinkedIn:

Dear {firstname}, Thank you for accepting my request to connect. I appreciate it. It would be a privilege to discuss my interst in {title} postion at {firm}. Kindly find my cover letter and resume enclosed. How does the coming week look to have a call? Happy to look farther out on the calendar if that is better. I look forward to meeting you. Regards, Your name

But you don't need to wait until that request to connect is accepted - that could take weeks if or may never happen. Be conservative and assume it's also wise to send an email. Email is where most eyeballs of the company will be - and less often on LinkedIn. Therefore, send this to HR teams at firms where you applied AS SOON AS YOU APPLY:


It is a privilege to reach out via my interest in {role} with {firm}. I have submitted my application and would like to discuss possible next steps. Kindly find my cover letter and resume enclosed. 

How does the coming week look to have a call? Happy to look farther out on the calendar if that is better.

Look forward to meeting you.

Regards, Your name

Note it does NOT matter if the HR people you reach out to are the correct ones or not. Since they are typically professionals, they will likely guide you to the right person, like this:

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The people you have met before at events

Congrats! you have now sent 3 messages to friends and possible 3 x HR contact messages (or more). You are takind action! Your friends are already responding and you are setting up calls that will lead to more introductions. The interviews are coming!!!

Next, reach out to the 3 people you've met at an event before as follows. First just see if they will connect - don't ask for ANYTHING more than "will you hit that button to connect" or not. Wait till they do that simple thing and THEN follow up with your request to meet.

“Dear [First Name],

It was great to meet you at [event] on [date]. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic].

Connect here? 

[your name]"

After they connect, follow it with this below. Here, it's good if you can add a little detail to motivate WHY there is a professional fit between you. Pls join on our Saturday workshop if you'd like more help to refine this:

{firstname}, thanks for accepting my connection request - really appreciate it.

What I enjoy most about [field / industry] is the chance to meet new people - it would be great to meet you for mutual benefit.I’m recently working on {project school / work relevant to the job} and would enjoy having an exchange of ideas.

Please note I am not looking for a job or asking for a referral. You are in a great position to be of assistance and would be respectful of your time. How does your calendar look for the coming weeks?

Warm regards,

[your first name]  

And you can simultaneously email them as follows - the combination of the prior notes:

“Dear [First Name], It was great to meet you at [event] on [date]. I enjoyed our conversation about [topic].
What I enjoy most about [field / industry] is the chance to meet new people - it would be great to meet you again and hope it can be for mutual benefit.
I’m recently working on {project school / work relevant to the job} and would enjoy having an exchange of ideas. Please note I am not looking for a job or asking for a referral and would be respectful of your time. 
How does your calendar look for the coming weeks? 
Warm regards,
[your first name]  

Lastly, you can reach out to total strangers. Pick your 3 and message them as follows - linkedin:

Dear {firstname},

Hope this note finds you well. Prior to joining I [university] I [accomplishment relevant to that industry, such as “supported a team at [company] to [relevant metric]. I’m interested in expanding my professional network.

Connect here? 


Dear {firstname}, 

Hope this note finds you well. I helped [name of firm] to [accomplishment relevant to XYZ industry with metrics] prior to joining I [university] where I study [major]. I’m interested in expanding my professional network.

Connect here? 

[your first name] 

Then when they connect with you, you'll send this - similar to the one above:

{firstname}, thanks for accepting my connection request - really appreciate it.

What I enjoy most about [field / industry] is the chance to meet new people - it would be great to meet you and hope it can be for mutual benefit. I’m recently working on {project school / work relevant to the job} and would enjoy having an exchange of ideas. Please note I am not looking for a job or asking for a referral and would be respectful of your time.

How does your calendar look for the coming weeks?

Warm regards,
[your first name]  

You will be surprised with the responses - you'll have interviews in 12-24 hours!

Here's what can happen when you message a total stranger. See what my Career Accelerator student Vera got:

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Remember: an interview is any 1x1 conversation that leads to you meeting another person relevant to your job hunt. That means for each meeting, you'll want to ask about who else you can meet. You can ask questions like this when you meet:

  1. Who else do you recommend I meet if I'm interested in working in {field}?
  2. Who else do you recommend I meet if I'm interest in working at {firm}?
  3. Who else might I talk to about my interest in {field/firm/topic}?

All of these work - just be sure you ask!

The friends are likely to respond immediately. Your next chance to interview is secured. HR may or may not respond to your request. Usually they are quite nice and will. You can also send them an EMAIL at the same time. Don't wait. Send these messages as soon as you've applied!


Join me this Saturday to get your messages sent and interviews on the calendar. No more attending events with just passive information and no interviews scheduled!

And don't forget to check out my Youtube Channel - like and subscribe for content that will save you months, even years off of your job hunt and may just ad '000s to your pay check:

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Other trainings of possible interest:

How to convert job fairs to interviews


Be sure to join us Saturday to start getting interviews - we'll do this together. The link to join is here.

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