Career Quote: Great Hunt

When you learn the secrets to a great job hunt, you become more confident and successful in getting an offer so that you can enjoy more freedom, have more choices and have more fun than others who may never figure out how to work professionally.


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Inspirational Quote: Be In Good Terms

“As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.” โ€• Max Ehrmann, Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life

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Career Quote: Not Cancelled

"Formal hiring may be cancelled but networking isn't cancelled, Zoom e-coffees have not been canceled, Linkedin hasn't been cancelled." -JStuartBradley

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Career Quote: Opportunity

"This current period "is an opportunity". It's an opportunity to get hired, to learn all of those things that may have prevented you from getting hired when the economy was good." -JStuartBradley

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