Career Quote: Rejection

"Major shareholder of Zoom, raised $751 Million Now, each time you get on Zoom: Think about how Eric felt after 5 times of #rejection, but that didn't stopped him!" -JStuartBradley

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Career Quote: Challenge

"Your challenge could be networking, focus, your level of activity, confidence." -JStuartBradley

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Inspirational Quote: Try Something New

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." - Brian Tracy

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Inspirational Quote: Learn To Execute

"You don't need more opportunity. You need to learn to execute on the opportunities you already have." - Michael Hyatt

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Career Quote: Top-of-Mind

"The recovery will come. Will you be top-of-mind so that you get hired?" -JStuartBradley

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Inspirational Quote: Envision Yourself

Don't put any restriction on it. Don't overthink it; just allow yourself to envision the most magnificent possible future version of yourself. - Rachel Hollis

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