How Ariel found her internship at Emerson
NAME: Ariel W.
NICHE: Logistics and Account Specialist
When Ariel came across Stuart Bradley she was looking for an internship for summer in the US. However, she had deep fears about her career search. Learn how she was able to implement the strategies to land her internship at Emerson.

Stuart showed great foresight and helped me to prepare the mindset to be successful in a highly competitive market. I quickly landed with my target firm.
Hello everyone, this is Ariel from the career accelerator family. In this short video I want to share with you guys my experience working with career coach Stuart Bradley and how I got my internship in the summer.
I came to Washington University in St. Louis in 2018. Before that, I know that networking was a very important skill to have if I want to have an internship in summer in the US. However, I have deep fears about career search and get in touch with strangers. So, back then, I decided that I could not go through this alone. I needed help!
I found Stuart through my career center in my school and after seeing the curriculum I decided to join. I have to confess that I am not a very positive person who takes initiative to face my fear because I like to delay things if I hate certain things. I constantly postponed my career search and I didn't start looking for a summer internship until this year, late march 2019, which is really late because a lot of companies started hiring in the fall of 2018.
I was really depressed, I was under the impression that no company will hire me because I didn't have any real work experience and I needed sponsorship. I saw a lot of people, a lot of companies posting jobs on the first line that wrote: we don't provide sponsorship. However, I attended weekly meetings that Stuart held. In those meetings, Stuart taught us how to conduct networking phone calls, networking meetings and also automation solutions for LinkedIn that enabled you to reach a lot of people in a short time.
Stuart gave me a lot of encouragement and I see a lot of role model in my group who works and follows their (homework) really hard to look for an internship and just get out there and get in contact with people. So, I decided to do that myself in certain ways.
In March, so eventually, after 1 month of calling a lot of people, sending a lot of friend requests, about 700 and get around 200 friend request back, I eventually got in touch with my boss, which is the VP of supply chain at Emerson, who actually refer me to (logistics) team. Eventually, they gave me a position as supply chain intern in this summer.
I just have to say that if it wasn't for Stuart's method I would still keep posting and applying to jobs online. However, Emerson did not provide any sponsorship on their online job opening, so if not for Stuart's method I would not get the internship that I have right now. I just have to say that working with Stuart is a very fruitful experience and I genuinely recommend his method, he's very kind coach so here's my experience and I hope you guys can join the career accelerator family. See you guys bye!