If you can Copy and Paste,

Then You, Too, Can Get Interviews NOW!

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Used To Get International Students  Hired Before Anyone Else! 

✔️How to follow up to get interviews

✔️How to be creative to get interviews

✔️How to network to get interviews

✔️Weekly coaching to get results

Plus detailed tactics and case studies to show exactly how to do it. 

The job market excludes the unprepared student

So, be prepared!

5 steps to change your life:

1. Click to get signed up 

2. Pick your password

3. Learn the strategies and tactics

4. Start apply them

5. Ask me questions 1x1 each week

We spend too much time trying to get interviews

 And not enough time doing them

How this course will help you now: 


Learn the 3 main strategies that get busy people interviews in their dream firms

Tactics (the "how")

Get the "how" so that you can implement the strategies - exact message scripts included

Case Studies

What got people hired into Facebook, JPMorgan, Intel, F500 firms

I Used To Be An International Student and Made All The Mistakes.

I was an international student myself. I tried so hard and pushed my boundaries, only to stumble. But in that struggle I learned a few things, and want to make YOUR job hunt results go more smoothly! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Stuart! Give Me Instant Access:

✔️ Instant Access to Working SCRIPTS to MESSAGE HR + Recruiters - LinkedIn (Value $197)
✔️ Instant Access to Working SCRIPTS to MESSAGE HIRING MANAGERS on LinkedIn (Value $197)
✔️ Instant Access to the Get Interviews NOW Training (Value $397)
✔️ Discover My #1 EMAIL FOLLOW-UP Tactic (Value $197)
✔️ The KEY "Dirty" Referral Strategy NO ONE SHARES (Value $297)
✔️ SECRET HR Audio Recording Revealing How Referrals Actually WORK (Value $497)


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